Teaching and Materials


Dates are planned future offerings. Where future = “as of when I last updated this page (Jun 24)”.

Undergrad courses

  • SENG 350, Software Architecture.
  • SENG 330, OO Design.
  • SENG 321, Requirements Eng. (notes currently on proprietary CMS).
  • CSC 497 - Interdisciplinary Project
    • This is the project capstone for students in any combined program. I advise students in Geomatics. This course is scheduled by completing the Directed Studies (Pro Forma) form available here. The project must combine elements of Geography (landscapes, geomorphology, human geography, climate change, etc. etc.) and Computer Science (software development, algorithms, networking, visualization, etc. etc.).
    • The format of the project is decided with the project advisor, but must include a final report and final public presentation (usually at a group meeting or department seminar). I strongly recommend weekly reports as a deliverable. The project should take 10-15 hours per week to complete. You cannot use content from other courses for this project, but building on top of those results is fine.
    • Past projects have included comparing ML algorithms on remote sensing data, predicting urban growth, and mapping plankton blooms.
    • The course needs to have an advisor; students can find one on their own, or work with me on a topic. A good approach is to find a professor whose classes you have enjoyed and ask them directly. Most profs are more than happy to advise an independent research project that aligns with their ongoing research.
    • This is (supposed to be) a fun course! You get to work on ideas and problems that are interesting to you.
    • Failing is possible, and usually happens when students do not keep up with the work.

Combined Grad/Senior Undergrad courses