Geomatics 497

One of the requirements of our combined program in Geomatics (of which I am the CS advisor) is to do a capstone project (directed studies) on a geomatics topic.

The idea is you undertake a directed studies on a combined geomatics topic of your choice, working with a supervisor in either Geography or CS. The topic should cover CS and Geography concepts.

Past work has looked at ML algorithms for land surface classification, sea ice thickness prediction with VAEs, disease modeling, etc.

Usually the directed studies structure - lit review (20%) - weekly reports/updates (20%) - interim report (20%) - final report (30%) - final seminar presentation (10%) (mandatory)

The final report is usually around 8-10 pages. The course effort should be appropriate for 1.5 units of work.

To find a supervisor, you can talk to a prof working in an area you really liked, or you can chat with me and I can suggest some names or projects.

If you are really passionate about orcas, for example, you can work with the Whale Lab. If you loved numerical analysis, then you can work on approximation methods for convex optimization. The only trick is to make sure you have elements of both geography (where are whales feeding) and CS (answered by constructing a neural network, doing data processing, etc.).